Tuesday, September 16, 2014

You're doing what?

“Why are you driving?” 
As we informed friends and family of our plans to drive the +/- 3,400 miles from Brunswick Maine to San Diego California it usually drew out that questions.  And it wasn’t typically asked in an inquisitive manner, in fact, the interrogator usually had a look on their face as if they were watching me sprinkle broken glass into my morning oatmeal. The conversation usually made light of how painful the experience would be, followed by “oh that’s going to be so good for you guys.” Maybe this is going to be painful. Maybe I grab a barrel at Niagara Falls and Meaghan goes on for years from now telling people how brave I was until that point. But maybe it’s not that at all. Maybe we have an awesome adventure, cry a little, laugh a lot, grow closer and stronger as a family. Our kids have this uncanny ability to make people that don’t know them smile. Maybe they leave a string of smiling faces for the next 3,400 miles.

So, me? I’m betting the good stuff. Win, place, show for Sam, Sadie, and Maggie (in no particular order) with my beautiful wife and I holding the winning tickets. I bet we block the bad stuff and go on for years telling people how great it was; and even if the kids don’t remember I bet this is one of those experience they remember because we’re always talking about how fun it was. Buckle up for the next 3,400 miles, Team Mullen is off to the left coast……ride with us and enjoy “Miles by Mullen”.

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